Level up your ways of working to retain your best employees

organizational Consulting

“Patrick has counseled our team on both individual and interpersonal resiliency as well as care redesign, creating a more egalitarian work flow. At a time when most places have struggled with burnout and low morale, he has transformed our workplace and work culture. Incredibly, everyone from medical assistants and schedulers to physicians and APPs have bought in.”

Daniel George, MD
Co-Chair, DCI Center For Prostate & Urologic Cancers
Director, Genitourinary Oncology At Duke Cancer Institute

Consulting Process

Our consulting process is dedicated to thoroughly understanding an organization, addressing its unique needs and challenges, and driving meaningful change. The initial phase of the collaboration will focus on assessment and planning options for engagement. 


Includes in-person observations followed by a thorough write-up and recommendations. Recommendations will include both organizational changes and potential training and coaching options.

What we look for:

  • Positive and negative patterns in team work
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication patterns
  • Cues for burnout
  • High stress interactions


Maximum Impact, Minimal Disruption.

After collecting the initial data, we will review and compile the findings. These will be presented to the leadership team along with recommendations for implementing impactful organizational changes with minimal disruption.


We will work closely with you to identify multi-impact points throughout your organization to implement highly practical and personalized resiliency techniques. Our real-time training ensures seamless adoption by your staff.

Stress & Burnout

Employee Engagement & Productivity

Workplace Conflict

Here's what to Expect

The consulting process is heavily focused on embedding ourselves into your organizational culture and processes to better evaluate opportunities to implement small, seamless resilience-based changes to solve for systemic chronic stress and burnout. Our background gives us a unique understanding of human stress and performance, psychology, and organizational behavior and provides a lens not often seen in the management consulting world. And, we guarantee that all our recommended solutions will be financially viable.  

  • Improved Leadership: Your leadership team will become more capable of handling stress and challenges, leading to better decision-making and a more positive leadership style.
  • Enhanced Team Morale: A resilient manager can maintain a positive and composed demeanor, which can boost team morale and create a more supportive work environment.
  • Better Communication: With improved personal resilience, your team will be able to communicate more effectively, providing clear guidance and support for one another.
  • Increased Productivity: By effectively managing personal stress and energy, your team will be able to model these behaviors to everyone on staff, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Greater Innovation: The best part of all is that your leaders will be more open to new ideas and can encourage a culture of innovation and creative problem-solving within the team.

Your organization is a good candidate for consulting solutions if:

  • Your staff is growing, shrinking, or turning over by 5 or more people per year.
  • Your startup is scaling to the next level. 
  • Your company is a major employer with multiple interconnected departments.  
  • Your organization is evolving with reorganization or new leadership in the C-suite.

Industry Specialties Include:

Hospitals & Healthcare  

Manufacturing & Engineering

Startups & Tech

Education & Research

Venture Capital Firms & Holding Companies


Top Questions we Receive regarding Organizational Consulting

Resiliency consulting provides tailored strategies to enhance the resilience of your entire organization. By addressing team dynamics, organizational systems, and individual well-being, it helps improve overall performance, reduce burnout, and foster a supportive and productive work environment. It serves as an excellent foundation for effective change management.

We begin with a thorough assessment of your organization’s current resilience levels, challenges, and goals. Based on this assessment, we design customized programs that address your unique needs. Our number one goal is to build resilience within your organization while limiting the additional demands on your resources, making it a seamless integration into your current operations.

Investing in resiliency consulting can yield significant returns by reducing absenteeism, lowering turnover rates, and improving overall employee engagement and productivity. Organizations that prioritize resilience often see improved performance metrics, a healthier workplace culture, and reduced costs related to stress and burnout. The long-term benefits of a resilient workforce contribute to a stronger, more adaptable organization.

Yes, we offer in-person consulting and coaching sessions at your location. This allows for a more immersive and personalized experience, whether for individual coaching, team workshops, or organizational assessments. Please contact us to discuss scheduling and travel arrangements.

Resiliency consulting enhances team cohesion, improves communication, and equips individuals with skills to manage stress and adapt to change. These improvements lead to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a more positive work environment, ultimately boosting overall organizational performance.

Yes, we offer both individual and team coaching to address specific needs within your organization. Individual coaching focuses on personal resilience and leadership skills, while team coaching fosters collaboration, trust, and collective problem-solving abilities. Coaching is integrated throughout the consulting process to maximize impact.

Our services include comprehensive assessments of team and organizational resilience, tailored workshops and training sessions, individual and team coaching, and strategic planning to integrate resilience-building practices into your organizational culture. Coaching is recommended throughout the process to ensure sustained progress and support.

Getting started is easy! Simply contact us to schedule a free initial consultation. During this session, we will discuss your organization’s needs, answer any questions you may have, and determine the best consulting package for you. From there, we will develop a customized plan to enhance the resilience and performance of your team and organization.

ready to expand your capacity?

Here’s How To Get Started:

Step 1

Get Your Custom Plan

You can always change course, but you have to start somewhere. Schedule a call to find the best way to begin. We'll discuss your challenges and goals to help you access the right tools and processes for a direct impact on your team and business.

Step 2

Train And Implement

Enjoy a tailored approach to meet your specific needs as we work closely with you to implement highly practical and personalized resiliency techniques with minimal disruption. Our programs are designed for both leaders and teams.

Step 3

Consistently Perform at your highest level

By improving communication, swiftly managing and reducing stress, and building in regular recovery cycles, you can expand your capacity. With resiliency training you’ll have happier, healthier workers and can ultimately improve overall productivity and team performance.